Fortin Chiropractic Clinic offers ultrasound therapy to minimize muscle pain and movement dysfunction. It is part of the treatment process that will be evaluated by Fortin Chiropractic Clinic upon your initial visit. Ultrasound therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a number of ailments one might have. It is a useful tool for adjusting misaligned spinal joints and regaining the nervous system’s optimal performance.
What is Ultrasound Therapy?
High-frequency sound waves are used in ultrasound therapy to penetrate deeply into the treated tissues. With the help of this higher frequency ultrasound, it is intended to accelerate the healing of a joint, muscle, or tendon. Stretching, therapeutic massage, heat, or chiropractic adjustments can all be combined with ultrasound therapy. Numerous patient issues may benefit from this therapy. Many people find the painless, micro-massage that the ultrasound produces to be soothing.